• A non-refundable retainer of $100.00 is due upon signing of this agreement. Non-refundable retainer payment is a condition for booking the services listed in the “Services Breakdown” below.
  • The services listed in this contract  are the only services ‘Styles by Sydney, llc’ agrees to perform and no services will be booked without a non-refundable retainer payment.
  • Client(s) agree to the 6 (six) person minimum. If you are booking hair, there will be a 6 (six) person minimum. If you are booking both hair and makeup; there will be a 6 (six) person minimum as well. Lead Bridal Stylist, Sydney Fortner, reserves the right to waive the 6 person minimum to less for any given reason. Such as, slow weekends and/or weekdays or elopements.
  • Client(s) agree to provide an accurate/final headcount within 2 months prior to services being performed.
  • The undersigned party hereby agrees to maintain a valid credit card on file to fascilitate any future cancellations or related charges as outlined in this agreement.

Non Refundable-Retainer Fees:

  • All retainers must be paid to Styles by Sydney, llc.’ directly and will be added to balances due on the day of service. Cash, personal checks, Venmo ( @sydney-fortner-2 ), and all major credit cards are acceptable forms of payment for retainers(s).

Balance Due:

  • The balance due for services shall be due and paid in full fourteen (14) days before the date of service(s). Cash, Personal checks, Venmo, and all major credit cards are acceptable forms of payment. If the Client(s) cancels this contract 120 OR MORE days prior to the service date only the non-refundable retainer is owed. If the Client(s) cancels this contract or any part of this contract less than 30 days prior to the service date, the full balance is due and is non-refundable.

Travel Fee:

  • A travel fee of $50.00 is required. This includes anything within 40 miles of my home base in Dawsonville, GA and/or wherever Artist(s) will be traveling to and from. Any mileage beyond 40 miles will incur a $1.00 per mile fee in addition to the original $50.00 travel fee.
  • If Client(s) require for stylist(s) and/or artist(s) to relocate; this additonal mileage will be added to your travel fee total.

Expense Reimbursements:

  • Client(s) agrees to reimburse the attending artist(s) for all reasonable expenses relating directly to the wedding event itself including, but not limited to, parking fees (Valet parking if working in any major city), destination travel fees, accommodations, etc. Both parties agree to discuss the existence of any such charges in advance of the event to avoid any surprise to the client as to what will constitute an expense and Styles by Sydney, llc.’  agrees to supply expense receipts, if requested.

Returned Checks:

  • All returned checks will be subject to a minimum $40.00 NSF charge.

Client Preparation:

  • Client(s) acknowledges and agrees that she or he and others receiving services must have clean, DRY hair prior to services. Day old hair is best! Please refrain from applying conditioner directly to roots. This will make hair oily and allow for minimal volume. Please consult Lead Bridal Stylist, Sydney Fortner, for all product recommendations.
  • Client(s) acknowledges and agrees that she or he and others receiving skin services must have clean skin prior to makeup application. (Please do not apply any vitamin c, any kind of acids, or other serums) This could result in makeup not properly adhering to skin.
  • Client(s) shall disclose the existence of any allergies, medications that may affect the application of hair/makeup products, or any other condition of any person(s) receiving services.
  • If Client(s) fails to make such a disclosure, no refunds will be provided for work unable to be performed because of these conditions.

Bridal Preview:

  • Bridal Previews are not required, however, they are strongly encouraged. Trials help test-run your day of look. Typically, these are booked three months prior to your wedding day. Please make sure to book this appointment in sufficient time. The trial fee is $125.00. Most hair trials are performed in my home in Dawsonville, GA. If you are booking hair and makeup, another location may be presented. Please come prepared with clean, dry hair and/or clean face if makeup applications are to be performed. Feel free to also bring your veil and any hair pieces you’d like to use or tryout with your style. If you ore unable to travel to me for your trial and would still like one; I offer a travel-to trial for $150.00 + $25.00 travel fee.

Failure to Perform:

  • Styles by Sydney, llc.’ & all other contracted artist(s) providing services are not responsible for services not completed or contract overtime fees due to delays caused by the Client(s).
  • Client(s) acknowledges and agrees that she or anyone else receiving services be prepared to receive services at the time of artist(s) arrival.(Venue, Bride’s address, Airbnb, Hotel, Etc.) Bride agrees to provide Artist(s) with this specific address.
  • Client(s) agree to come with hair DRY at the time of service unless previoulsy discussed. Artist(s) reserve the right to refuse service of blowout should this service not be discussed or should there not be enough time allotted in timeline.

Unsanitary, Infectious or Unsafe Conditions:

  • We reserve the right to refuse services if or alter services if unsanitary conditions exist and/or contagious infections are present. Client(s) understands and acknowledges that artist(s) may alter service or NOT perform services where any contagious infections such as pink eye (conjunctivitis), cold sores/fever blisters, or Covid-19 are present, and there shall be no refund of any deposit paid.
  • Client(s) acknowledges and agrees that verbal abuse of artist(s) is unacceptable by any person at the event, and shall be grounds for the Artist/Stylist(s) to cease services immediately.
  • Client(s) acknowledges that they will not be entitled to a refund for any work already performed and client(s) may not review artist(s) or stylist(s) vendor poorly on social media or other review sites if this happens.
  • Client(s) also acknowledges that they will allow artist(s) to work in safe conditions for personal safety. If at any time artist(s) feels physically threatened or verbally abused, artist/stylist(s) may cease the performance of services and exit the building.


  • Artist(s) will be deep cleaning their kit and/or brushes the night before your event or wedding. Artist(s)will wash their hands and use hand sanitizer in front of each client prior to starting their application/styling.
  • There will be a 3-5 minute sanitation break between each appointment on the day of the wedding.
  • Artists will use clean implements for each client(s). Artist(s) will use disposable wands with all cream products such as mascaras and lip products so that no products are never contaminated.  It is also mandatory that no one touches the makeup kit, besides the artist(s), to prevent cross-contamination.
  • Artist(s) will use disinfectant to spray all eyeliners, lip liners, brow pencils, and powder products (70% Isopropyl Alcohol).
  • Artist(s) will be wearing a mask based on the State’s rules and regulations.
  • Anyone who appears to have cold-like symptoms can be denied services.
  • Anyone accepting services is representing and warranting that they have no Covid-19 symptoms and have no direct knowledge as to direct exposure to Covid-19 in the prior seven (7) day period.

Unforeseen Circumstances:

  • In the event of fire, accident, flood, act of God, pandemic, or other causes beyond the parties’ control that prevent performance of the services, the parties release each other from the terms and obligations described here, and from damages resulting from non-performance. In no event shall either party be liable for lost profits, sales, or any incidental, consequential, punitive or special damages arising from any breach of this Agreement.
  • Non-refundable retainer fees shall remain non-refundable in the event that unforeseen circumstances prevent the performance of the services on the date of the event.

Overtime/ Assistant Fee:

  • Additions requested on the day of service are at the discretion of the artist, and are not guaranteed.
  • Due to the size of the Client’s bridal party OR lack of proper timing provided, an Assistant Artist(s) may be required to complete your parties services. If an assistant is needed, there shall be an assistant fee of $150.00.
  • Client acknowledges that services for bridal party take 30-45 minutes per person, and 1 hour for the bride.
  • There is a $25.00 per hour fee for every hour started before 8:00 AM.
  • Client(s) acknowledges and agrees that the artist/stylist(s) is only obligated to stay at the event while performing services. If the artist/stylist(s) has completed all services before the contract end time, artist/stylist will leave the event. If you would like for artist(s) to stay; this must be previously discussed and you will be required to pay for additional time.


  • A late fee of $25.00 will be charged for every 15 minutes of delay when a client is late for their scheduled time, or if scheduled makeup exceeds allotted time because of client delays.


  • A relocation fee of $50.00 will be charged for breaking down kit and setting back up at another location. 45 minutes will also be added to the timeline for breakdown/setup, plus the time of travel to new location.

Photo Release:

  • Client and bridal party give permission to use all photographs taken for advertising and web content. This may include website and/or social media.
  • Client also agrees to inform photographer and/or videographer of artist(s) full use and/or rights to post content.


  • If any provision in this agreement requires judicial interpretation, the judicial body interpreting or construing such provision shall not apply the assumption that the terms hereof shall be more strictly construed against one party because of the rule that an instrument must be construed more strictly against the party which itself or through its agents prepares the same; the parties hereby agreeing that all parties and their agents have participated in preparation of this Agreement equally. Subject headings are provided for organization and shall not be considered in any interpretation of this agreement. “She” as used in this agreement is interchangeable with the pronoun “He”.


  • If any provision of this Agreement, or the application of such provision to any person or circumstance, shall be held invalid by any court, governmental agency or regulatory body, the remainder of this Agreement, or the application of such provisions to persons or circumstances other than those to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby, and shall remain in full force and effect. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the parties hereto hereby waive any provision of law that renders any provision hereof prohibitive or unenforceable in any respect.

Governing Law:

  • This Agreement and the rights of the parties hereunder, shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia, and each of the parties consents to the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court of Forsyth County, Georgia for the purpose of any actions brought under or pursuant to this Agreement.

Entire Agreement:

  • This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and no modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless such modification be put in writing and be signed by all parties.